Saturday, April 4, 2009

Questionair for the Appointment of Classified Staff

11. What documents do you need for appointing a graduate?
2. In which grade3 is a graduate teacher placed?
3. Who gives final financial approval?
4. How long is the probation period before an official ge3ts his/her privileges honored?
5. What does the Recruitment Committee look at when dealing with the appointment of classified staff?


1. The documents required for the appointment of a gaduate include:
- Nationality Certificate
- Birth or Assessment Certificate
- Diploma or Bachelor Degree from a recognized higher Institution or University
- Experience
2. A graduate teacher is appointed in grade "9".
3. The Establishment Branch gives a substantial financial approval for the3 appointment of the official
4. The probation period given to newly recruited officials is one year.
5. After going through the documents of eligibility of the person, the panel gives verbal questions to the
applicant to know his/her interests etc.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Office workers be they frolations
m public and private secdtor need skills in the following disciplines:

- Personnel Administration and Management
- Human Relations
- Office Practice
- English Language
- Communication and Information Technology
- Book-Keeping
- Record Keeping
- Arithmetic
- Short Hand

Secretarial Course.

My practice as teacher of Secretarial Duties can be improved by constant reviewing and assessing the training.

Systematic testing and evaluation ascertains progress of improvement in the right direction.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First post of the Ohide Development Blog

I have improved my practice by doing and sharing ideas with group members. Therefore, learning needs
participatory activities.

By so doing many things can be achieved through mutual trust, understanding and cooperation that adds
experience by sharing knowledge.